Post Corononavirus, Olga Kurylenko Says: 'I'm Fine!'

Post Coronavirus, Olga Kurylenko Says: “I’m Fine!”

Perkhabaran aktres Quantum of Solace, Olga Kurylenko telah pulih sepenuhnya daripada coronavirus seminggu selepas diuji positif sedikit sebanyak memberikan kelegaan. Ahad lalu, pelakon Perancis-Ukraine, 40, ini mendedahkan berita itu menerusi perkongsian di akaun Instagram.


“I have completely recovered ? To recapitulate: For one week I felt pretty bad and was mostly in bed, sleeping, with high fever and strong headache. The second week, the fever was gone but some light cough appeared and I felt very tired. By the end of the second week I felt totally fine. Cough is almost gone although I still cough in the mornings but then it completely goes away for the day! I’m fine! And now I’m just enjoying this time to reflect on many things and spend my time with my son,” Kurylenko

Bintang Quantum of Solace sebelum ini berkongsi bahawa dia “berkurung di rumah selepas hasil ujian positif Coronavirus,” yang memaparkan foto dirinya seakan memandang ke luar dari tetingkap rumah.”Saya sebenarnya sakit selama hampir seminggu sekarang. Demam dan keletihan adalah simptom utama saya. Berhati-hati dengan diri sendiri dan lakukan dengan serius!” ujar Kurylenko. Peminat dan selebriti sama-sama memberikan kata semangat kepada bekas gadis Bond ini agar dia pulih sepenuhnya.

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