Cara Delevingne Menawan Kota New York Dengan Jimmy Choo

Cara Delevingne Bersinar Sebagai Bintang Utama Filem Fesyen Jimmy Choo

Berlatar belakangkan langit gelap dan kota metropolitan New York yang sibuk, Cara Delevingne dilihat menggayakan koleksi Cruise 2018 jenama British Jimmy Choo melalui filem kempen terbaru mereka “Shimmer in The Dark.”


Filem arahan Lorin Askill itu mengikuti model 25 tahun ini sambil dia bersiar-siar di jalan New York dan menyelami kehidupan seorang millenial yang padan dengan tema koleksi terbaru Jimmy Choo idea pengarah kreatif mereka, Sandra Choi. Ceraian-ceraian yang menampilkan elemen uniseks juga memberikan kelainan kepada mood kempen ini.


Sandra yang turut tertarik dengan jiwa dan pembawakan diri Cara juga menerangkan visinya untuk koleksi ini, “This season isn’t about one look, it’s about the many ways a woman might dress up for a night on the city — but always with a playful allure. The shoot and film both perfectly capture the sense of anticipation and infectious energy that a night out can bring. It’s important for us to show the fun side of the brand, I just wanted to have a big celebration.”

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Untuk memeriahkan lagi kempen ini, Cara juga berkongsikan beberapa kata-kata menarik tentang koleksi Jimmy Choo Cruise 2018 dan juga perasaannya perihal Krismas.


Anda membintangi kempen holiday Jimmy Choo, apakah idea Krismas sempurna bagi anda?


Friends, family, food, feast, fiesta and obviously lots of presents!


Boleh anda terangkan pakaian musim parti kegemaran anda?


I really love to dress up – and I’m not just talking about looking nice. I do like to put on a crazy outfit and be an elf or a reindeer. Or even if I just wear a nice sparkly dress with a red nose, it’ something different and quirky—it’s not just a normal party outfit. I like to have some sort of accessory, even if it’s just horns.


Bagaimana anda rasa stail anda sudah berubah dengan peningkatan umur dan perubahan dari segi kerjaya anda?


As I’ve grown up, my style has changed. I guess I wear less statement T-shirts and baseball caps and it’s more about a beret and leather jacket. I think it’s just matured in a way, but I still like to be comfortable in what I wear.

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Koleksi ini turut menmampilkan beberapa stail uniseks, di mana anda turut telah menggayakannya — androgini sudah menjadi satu keperluan dalam pemakaian wanita, apakah tip untuk menggayakan stail sebegini?


As I feel about life, being male or female is less ‘opposite’ now than it ever has been. I don’t think it’s necessarily about picking something that a man would wear. I think it’s about feeling comfortable whether it is masculine or feminine. If you decide to wear a suit I don’t think that necessarily has to be a masculine thing to wear. To master that look, it’s just about being comfortable with whatever you feel that day whether you decide to wear a ball gown or you decide to wear whatever you think a man would wear.


Tiga filem pada tahun 2017 dan dua lagi dijadualkan untuk 2018 – apa perasaan anda tentang kerjaya anda sekarang?


I feel a lot less busy only because I’m finally doing all the different things I wanted to do. When I had just one job being a model, it kind of felt quite monotonous—not in a bad way—but it was just a lot more travel and a lot more stress on me. Being able to create more and express emotions are the most important things for me, and it now doesn’t feel that I’m that busy at all because I’m doing what I love.

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Nasihat paling bermakna pernah anda terima dan oleh siapa?


I was remembering a piece of advice that I was given by Will Smith, who said that even though we’re actors—and this applies really whatever job you do—it’s still important to treat yourself as though you’re an athlete, especially if you work a lot and have a demanding schedule. You have to treat your body as if you were a professional athlete. Look after yourself, sleep a lot and do all the things that will help you be able to do your job to the best of your abilities.