Ahli Sukan Muslim Mempertahankan Produk Nike Pro Hijab - Glam Malaysia

Ahli Sukan Muslim Mempertahankan Produk Nike Pro Hijab

Baru-baru ini jenama pakaian sukan dan athleisure Nike mengumumkan rangkaian baju sukan berhijab pertama mereka, Nike Pro Hijab yang akan dilancarkan pada tahun 2018.


Nike bekerjasama dengan beberapa ahli sukan seperti figure skater dari UAE Zahra Lari dan jurulatih Nike Run Manal Rostom untuk menghasilkan rangkaian yang dispesifikasikan untuk ahli sukan Muslim.


Walaupun ramai yang memuji langkah yang diambil oleh Nike, namun terdapat juga segelintir yang mempersoalkan tindakan Nike ini.



Salah seorang individu yang telah membantu Nike untuk menghasilkan rangkaian Nike Pro Hijab ini merupakan seorang ahli angkat berat Amna Al Haddad telah tampil mempertahankan Nike dalam hal ini.


“Saya sedar bahawa terdapat pelbagai reaksi mengenai keputusan Nike untuk menghasilkan produk sebegini pada waktu ‘ini’. Ia merupakan fenomena baru di mana golongan wanita menyuarakan keinginan mereka untuk produk sebegini dan ramai ahli sukan profesional telah memeprjuangkan hak untuk bertanding dengan memakai hijab, dan diberi peluang yang sama [seperti ahli sukan lain]. Usaha kami didengari melalui berita-berita, kami tidak akan diabaikan,” terang Al Haddad di Instagram miliknya.

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With the Nike Pro Hijab Launch, I do realize there is a lot of mixed reactions as to why Nike decided to create such a product “now.” __ From my perspective as a former athlete who competed in Hijab, in the past, the big brands didn’t see the need or market for it as it was not “popular” and it was unheard of to see women train, exercise and compete in hijab. __ It is a recent phenomenon where more women have expressed a need for it and more professional athletes have fought for rights to compete with a headscarf, and have an equal playing field. We made it big in the news, we couldn’t be ignored. __ As Muslim women, we have been vocal in the media about it – personally since 2011 – the big guys can’t help but notice us “the underdogs” and our impact in the sports industry and world. They know that we are here to stay and decided to join the party and create another “competitive” sport hijab in the market, which by the way, did exist in the market for few years now. __ As an innovative company, they will create products and they will meet market needs – whatever they may be. It is not dismissing any other hard work done in the past to develop sports hijabs, it’s just there is more competition in the market for modest clothing now. __ I support Muslim women with or without hijab, and how they dress is their choice. And with the Nike Sports Hijab, it surely will encourage a new generation of athletes to pursue sports professionally, and without us athletes who fought for this right and made it happen, Nike wouldn’t “just do it.” __ Ps. This is purely my opinion on the matter, not paid for or asked to be written. Much Love, -Amna

A post shared by آمنة الحداد Amna Al Haddad ?? (@amna.s.alhaddad) on

Al Haddad juga tindakan Nike ini akan mengalakkan lebih ramai ahli sukan [berhijab] untuk membabitkan diri secara profesional.

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“Saya menyokong wanita Muslim dengan atau tanpa hijab, dan bagaimana mereka memilih untuk berpakaian adalah pilihan mereka,” tambah Al Haddad lagi.


I am so proud of @nikewomen for tapping deep into an unspoken issue that us female Middle Eastern sportswomen deal with in this beautiful video. When we pursue unconventional sports – or any sport – for that matter, others say: "what will they say about you?" It's time to change the question and re-define the answer: "How many will you inspire? MANY! Keep your head up high. Keep your spirit high. Run for your dream. Jump above obstacles. Gracefully show your talent. You who you are because God chose you for a mission to make the world a better place. Very honored to know few of the girls in video. Power to #EmiratiSportsWomen @amnalmar @leap.of.hope @zahralari Be proud of yourselves. So proud to see the changes in sports in the last six years ❤. I grow. You grow. We grow.

A post shared by آمنة الحداد Amna Al Haddad ?? (@amna.s.alhaddad) on